New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

Unless it was posted in which case someone is minted to be sending hate mail like that. You seen the cost of a stamp these days?

Well according to objectors on the planning portal, OUFC supporters are too poor to be able to afford to pay for public transport to get to matches at the new stadium, so any hate mail has to be from someone with serious amount of disposable income.
I still don't understand why they have accepted comments after the deadline. I know this one was inside it.
Does that mean Prince, Cher, Madonna, Beyonce, Bjork, Bono, Sting and Zendaya can/could never comment on planning applications😳
Well Madonna Ciccone can certainly use her full name. Bono and Sting are just nicknames. Björk Guðmundsdóttir will also have no issues, assuming the site will accept the Icelandic character set. Not sure about the others however.
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