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  1. S

    New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

    Definitely a bellend. Loves a photo op. Pretends to care about sewage in rivers....then votes for more.of it. And don't mention the Russians🤫
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    National News Sir Keir Starmer

    Selfish to the last Essex. At least you're true to form🤣 Methinks you doth protest too much😉 #amibovvered? Oh, and would that be the same electorate that you were chastising people for calling them stupid when they voted for Brexit🤔 And we only need to remember your confident pontification...
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    National News Sir Keir Starmer

    Nah, it's the new Labour Apprentice Santa scheme. It's Labours answer to the "hugely popular" National Service initiative from the Tories. The little urchins get to spread joy to very household AND they get a lovely red suit to wear into the bargain👍
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    National News Sir Keir Starmer

    Yep looking at the comments section on that Express article.... If that's the echo chamber circles you're moving in, it explains an awful lot @Essexyellows 😂
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    National News Sir Keir Starmer

    Desperate stuff Essex. 5 more weeks of straw clutching from you I guess 😂
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    New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

    Seems like the only good thing about Charlie Maynard is he wants to reopen a railway to Carterton and Witney (at about £900 million on recent estimates, funded no doubt by FOREIGN investors ;) ). What a depressing choice for the poor folk in the Witney constituency. The walking vacuum and...
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    National News Sir Keir Starmer

    So which is it. Train from scratch (at huge cost) or draw on a pool of qualified doctors with UK citizenship? Either way, you still have to pay both for the work they do - overtime and all, but one way (using the already pretty much fully qualified), you get to use that resource pretty much now...
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    National News Sir Keir Starmer

    Given that you were clearly "inspired" by who you have fervently supported in government for the last 14 years, I don't think anyone really thinks you're that good a judge of what is best for the country. And given that you've plumped for"inspiring" and the politics of personality and it has...
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    Current Player #1 Jamie Cumming

    When we were in the lower divisions, we had the "luxury" of being able to use a second choice (and even a 3rd choice) keeper in "lesser" games, like the tinpot trophy and (possibly) early cup rounds. We would not dream of using a backup keeper in League games. This season we do not have any...
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    National News The BBC

    We can but hope, Bazzer!
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    International News Donald Trump 🍊🇺🇸

    The US election is about fine margins in some key swing states. Whether or not this means that a significant enough number of voters who would previously vote for Trump, will now think twice because he is a convicted criminal, is where it all hinges imho. But yeah, if Biden were to stand aside...
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    National News The BBC

    Apparently, they asked 30p Lee to come on, seeing as he's actually an MP and a Reform candidate. But he didn't respond and so they fronted up Farage, who isn't standing (because he said 6 weeks was not long enough to arrange a campaign.... seriously 😂 Conveniently avoiding being handed his a**e...
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    Current Player #1 Jamie Cumming

    Hate to think what a "small fee" is to Chelsea, seeing as they just spaffed £400 million up the wall last season😳
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    Transfer News Summer Transfer Preview

    Or Georgios Baldockonnis, as he is now known.
  15. S

    Transfer News Summer Transfer Preview

    Yes. But the team have. And they've only conceded 5 since Bolton. There is so much more to playing that position effectively and Tyler is equally good both in and out of possession in that position...which is pretty key to the way Des wants them to play.
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    National News Rishi Sunak

    Quite! I dunno why we don't just speed the process up and fire off a few nukes at Putin. Immediate retaliation is guaranteed and it will put us all out of our misery pretty quickly (apart from those who die a slow and painful death from burns/radiation etc)🙄
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    Transfer News Summer Transfer Preview

    And just how important was at least one of those Moore goals :love:
  18. S

    Transfer News Summer Transfer Preview

    Des has found an extremely effective, flexible and fluid system that the players understand and allows that all important transition from in possession to out of possession quickly during the game. It can also cover multiple different opposition set ups and is very difficult to counter. But...
  19. S

    Transfer News Summer Transfer Preview

    Yeah, but you completely dropped a bollock on Des, so I wouldn't get too far ahead of yourself ;) Agree about Brooks though, he was one really bright spark in a very dark time at the club
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