Ex Player Tyler Burey

I guess Des would have said „what are the alternatives?“ and Waldron and Price would have said „Eastwood“

not many keepers move in January-it takes a long time for a keeper to build a rapport with a defence and you don’t want them doing that from scratch halfway through the season
Well Eastwood is even less the answer so yes we needed to sign one. Cumming has been costly at times but at least allows us to play a certain way that we can’t with Eastwood. There’s no rationale for a change there; just take our chances and do better defensively would be a start.
I completely agree with you. The manager - or rather head coach, which is vastly different - has every right to do things their way, but it’s then up to the club management to ensure that said way fits what’s already here and what the rest of the staff are prepared for. There will always be tweaks or slight differences when someone new comes in, but we didn’t need a complete revamp. If an entire team was set up around a six yard box poacher and geared towards feeding them, and they left and were replaced by a new striker who doesn’t remotely play that way and the goals dried up overnight, people would probably ask why such a signing was made that didn’t fit the setup. Same principle.

If they were going to hire a new manager who wanted to rip everything up, they needed to very quickly get around them and support them from their first day, which we know didn’t happen with the backroom situation. Perhaps if that was taken care of then Buckingham would’ve had more time to work on other areas, both on and off the pitch. They might have chucked money his way in January, but it’s not much good if the money is being spent on players who are being cobbled together at short notice, because the recruitment team’s entire year has been chucked in the bin a few weeks before the shops open.

I don’t know how anybody could look at what has gone on and go, “Well I don’t see how the people paid to run the company are to blame for the way the company has performed.”
And yet when Buckingham was appointed, Grant Ferguson said:

"His approach to coaching and developing players is a perfect match for the vision we have for the club."

Whilst Williams said:

"We had a very clearly defined set of criteria to ensure we found the right cultural fit for Oxford United."

I'm none too sure what Grant's vision for the club is. Must be hard to see anything from that tricky greenside bunker on the 14th. And Williams' idea of a cultural fit is probably someone who can hold the fort for him whilst he goes off to do interviews for the national press.
Well Eastwood is even less the answer so yes we needed to sign one. Cumming has been costly at times but at least allows us to play a certain way that we can’t with Eastwood. There’s no rationale for a change there; just take our chances and do better defensively would be a start.
I agree - but one reason results are worse under Buckingham is that the team went from having an outstanding goalkeeper who trained with the team over the Summer (Beadle joined us on 1st of July) to an inferior keeper who had never worked with the defence before and had been expecting to join Liam Manning.
I agree - but one reason results are worse under Buckingham is that the team went from having an outstanding goalkeeper who trained with the team over the Summer (Beadle joined us on 1st of July) to an inferior keeper who had never worked with the defence before and had been expecting to join Liam Manning.
Yeah I think it’s a sum of it all. Beadle was fantastic and a goalkeeper that could earn you points. Hard to replace that. But we don’t take nearly enough chances to give ourselves the space to make the inevitable errors that L1 players will make. Cumming makes too many, but I’d argue Bodin’s missed chance 1vs1 on Friday was as costly as letting the ball through your hands.
Beadle was good, but towards the end I felt he was getting a bit dodgy, not coming for crosses and letting in some soft goals,
Before he came in I rated Cumming, but he definitely hasn't been as good as I thought he would be.
Beadle was good, but towards the end I felt he was getting a bit dodgy, not coming for crosses and letting in some soft goals,
Before he came in I rated Cumming, but he definitely hasn't been as good as I thought he would be.
Yeah, he wasn't quite as impressive towards the end of his loan as he was at the start. I did think early on that Beadle got us out of a fair bit of trouble with some excellent saves, though. Our squeaky 1-0 against Carlisle among them.
Yeah, he wasn't quite as impressive towards the end of his loan as he was at the start. I did think early on that Beadle got us out of a fair bit of trouble with some excellent saves, though. Our squeaky 1-0 against Carlisle among them.

I don’t know what the stats were but it struck me he didn’t really have much to do in his early days with us. In the more gung ho era of Robinson our keepers, notably Eastwood, were very often making massive saves in the course of 90-95 minutes - very often match turning saves. I never really felt Beadle was being called upon to anything like the same extent. I might be wrong, just how it seemed to me.

I’d also agree that around the time of his departure was his dodgiest period with us - looked less assured, his kicking was hit and miss and there seemed a few communication issues with his defenders.
As a manager in this situation I’d fine and suspend him, if he’d done something bad, then if he wasn’t actually sacked then clean slate and back on the bench- as he’d proved himself quite useful. But it’s all just speculation

There's an article on a Danish football site saying we tried to pay the Danish club we have Burey on loan from to take him back early
He didn’t want to come here in the summer of 2023 and it looked like that attitude continued even when he did end up here.

He also banged on about God and Jesus in his first interview with Jerome on Rad Ox which made Jerome really awkward.

An odd signing and probably the only misfire (excusing Matete who wasn’t fit) since DB has been here.
Good riddance and telling that his parent club couldn't be paid to have him back.

He's very quick but he's not even that good and is a dickhead. I suspect he won't have much of a career at all.
He didn’t want to come here in the summer of 2023 and it looked like that attitude continued even when he did end up here.

He also banged on about God and Jesus in his first interview with Jerome on Rad Ox which made Jerome really awkward.

An odd signing and probably the only misfire (excusing Matete who wasn’t fit) since DB has been here.
And it was a loan so no great drama at least.
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