Recent content by OnlyOneUnited

  1. O

    Matches Commemorative DVD

    Looks like the club won't be doing anything official on this, so has anyone got the full match coverage and/or the extended highlights that they would be willing to put on a dvd and post through for a few quid? DM if you'd rather not message in here.
  2. O

    Matches Commemorative DVD

    Do we think the club will do an official DVD? If not, any fans planning on putting the Sky and ITV Highlights onto a DVD (or even the full match footage from Sky)? Would be willing to bung a few quid for that!
  3. O

    OUSP News

    The more eyes on the lease the better!
  4. O

    New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

    I would have thought after today's news it would be worth starting a charm offensive on the Lib Dems (rather than batter them for not doing this or that sooner). Clearly there is a lot of positivity around OUFC right now, and as we've seen, the Lib Dems will get on board with anything if they...
  5. O

    Matches Peterborough Away - bringing a bag?

    To complete the story, I got a ticket in the end and @ZeroTheHero very kindly let me use the boot of his car for storage. I then sprinted to the train station to catch the last (reasonably timed) train of the night with a minute to spare. I was tired enough after the match with the non-stop...
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    New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

    I wonder if in this scenario something could be done by OUFC fans to apply pressure to Labour and the Conservatives to make a coalition to take control of the council and agree the lease? Currently the two parties have a huge majority, but for obvious reasons are not in coalition today.
  7. O

    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    100% this. Not sure why some people are struggling to grasp this point.
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    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    Exactly, so the main thing is to ensure that the system functions fairly and appears to be fair. If I log on at 4pm with 2k other fans, than the element of pot luck I am willing to accept is that my internet may have a blip at that second, and 1.9k other fans get ahead of me - bad luck. What I...
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    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    Some people clearly experienced issues with the website and it's not clear whether those that did have their ability to buy a ticket fairly, hampered. The only thing keeping this thread rumbling on is a handful of people for whatever reason trying to tell those of us that did experience issues...
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    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    Please also take my response as intended, but unless you are an ex employee of Ticketmaster I don't see how you can be so sure it worked as expected? My old job was working as a QA tester testing software for a number of years, so I am fairly good at knowing what is and isn't working, and...
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    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    Also worth pointing out that while we have ~5k season ticket holders, not all of them would be trying to get a ticket. My Dad for example was not intending to go. I suspect there would also be a fair few other ST holders who wouldn't want, or be able to make, a midweek evening game.
  12. O

    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    In my specific example I clicked through to the event and selected buy tickets. It then said 'there are no tickets that match the search criteria'. I did this at bang on 4pm. I then hit refresh repeatedly over the next half hour. A handful of times I was given the option to select the stand...
  13. O

    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    So the system behaved as expected? I'm perfectly happy to stand corrected on this. Are you saying you're very familiar with how the Ticket Master UI and backend works? And that what's been described is expected behaviour from the system?
  14. O

    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    I think the frustration in this thread shows that it probably was! It's not about the numbers being relatively small, it's about the fact that everything is condensed onto a specific time. Your point only applies if the system can cope with small numbers condensed into a specific time slot...
  15. O

    Tickets 1350 Peterborough Away Ticket Allocation

    My understanding of ticketmaster from buying tickets for other things in the past is that when there are lots of people on at the same time, it should operate a queue system, so when you click the link it tells you your place in the queue. What we got instead is that some people appear to have...
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