New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

I'm certain FOSB will have spotters at Parkway tomorrow trying to discredit OUFC fans.

There'll be queues of excited fans revelling in the community spirit of the occasion but I predict images of them will be used by FOSB to describe the station as 'chaos' or something equally immotive.

Yep, I'd be amazed if the wasn't the case.
Could get interesting if someone accuses such a person of taking pictures of their kids without permission etc etc.....
if he comes near me and my minders ( grand daughters) at Parkway he'll be in for a shock- they're both TKD black belts, and can be rather feisty
Yep, I'd be amazed if the wasn't the case.
Can you imagine being that much of a sad case!? Literally got nothing better to do with their time if they do. I'll have an eye out for them.
Can you imagine being that much of a sad case!? Literally got nothing better to do with their time if they do. I'll have an eye out for them.
You're aware of the kind of people in FoSB right? It's the saddest thing you can think of.

I believe it isn't illegal to take pictures of people in public without their permission, but I think the law is different when children are involved. I'm sure a more legally savvy person can explain better than me

I think it's more of a moral thing. Personally I wouldn't want to be part of a group that takes photographs of children without their permission
I know what the law is but some people might not be happy if someone is taking pictures who isn't from a news agency etc.

I think it's more of a moral thing. Personally I wouldn't want to be part of a group that takes photographs of children without their permission
I only posted because if people are taking pictures of supporters (and generally I think that would be a *good* thing - even of yellow festooned children -on a red letter day like tomorrow) it's not really possible to confront them with any legal reason why they cannot do so. In fact, if the nimbys were to publish photos of happy children dressed in yellow, I am not sure it would help their 'all football supporters are thugs' narrative anyway!
hey might be dodgy knock offs, but at least he has got the bucket hats the right colour!

I did speak to them and asked a number of questions re the Stadium and local councillors. They had no idea what I was talking about including the new stadium or who Middleton was.

It was good to see the colour yellow very prominent though.
hey might be dodgy knock offs, but at least he has got the bucket hats the right colour!

I did speak to them and asked a number of questions re the Stadium and local councillors. They had no idea what I was talking about including the new stadium or who Middleton was.

It was good to see the colour yellow vet prominent though.

You spoke to the bloke selling knock off merch about Ian Middleton?
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