Ex-Staff Liam Manning

In the interview no mention of ' coming from Oxford having done well ' etc ...really does seem like we never existed to him which I find sad now the dust has settled.
Maybe because he is a heartless prick and has no loyalty what so ever. Robinson cheated on his wife but even he had more loyalty than Manning…
This topic should be left now he manning isn’t ours no more ( thank god ) he did ok when he came here then jumped for more money. He is. Snake and he knows it and we all wanted him to fail but looks like he’s safe for now. The next time we should talk or chuckle is when BCFC sack him.
This topic should be left now he manning isn’t ours no more ( thank god ) he did ok when he came here then jumped for more money. He is. Snake and he knows it and we all wanted him to fail but looks like he’s safe for now. The next time we should talk or chuckle is when BCFC sack him.
I have no issue with people talking about Manning and him failing at Bristol. After all, we have had people constantly talk about Robinson even after he was long gone.
All this is a bit premature in my view.

Firstly, winning tomorrow is a very big if.

Secondly, we don't know if he will be successful with his applications for the Liverpool and Oxford City jobs (or any others that be ome available between now and August).
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