National News Liz Truss - Ousted Former PM... 2.

yes, in addition and for "life"

So she will get £200 grand a year for being a backbench MP now (plus whatever expenses she can swindle), considering the brevity of her time as PM she essentially won the lottery not a the conservative leadership contest.
So she will get £200 grand a year for being a backbench MP now (plus whatever expenses she can swindle), considering the brevity of her time as PM she essentially won the lottery not a the conservative leadership contest.
If they go back to Boris, does that mean he'll get the PM pay plus the PM pension for being a 'previous' PM?
From the BBC website ( ):-
The PDCA was announced by former prime minister John Major in March 1991 in the wake of Margaret Thatcher's resignation.

It was introduced in order to assist former prime ministers still active in private life, with payments only made to meet the actual cost of continuing to fulfil public duties.

The costs are a reimbursement of incurred expenses for office costs and secretarial costs "arising from their special position in public life" - for example office costs, salaries for staff who help them with their work in public life, or travel to events where they're appearing as an ex-PM.

It is not paid to support private or parliamentary duties.

All former prime ministers are eligible to draw on the PDCA. John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Theresa May have all claimed the allowance after leaving No 10. It is not yet known whether Boris Johnson has claimed the allowance as the figures, which are released every year, have not yet been published.

The current limit on what they are able to draw is set at £115,000 and has remained frozen since 2011.

Former PMs have not always claimed the full amount, and it is not paid automatically, so they have to provide receipts.

Both John Major and Tony Blair claimed the full amount for 2020-21, Gordon Brown claimed £114,712, David Cameron claimed £113,423 and Theresa May claimed £57,382.

Essentially it's just expenses accrued so that they can carry out their ex-PM duties. Although you have to ask what the hell are they claiming for to rattle up those sums of money - Dinner at the Savoy for 100 merchant bankers? (Yes, that is Cockney Rhyming slang).
From the BBC website ( ):-

Essentially it's just expenses accrued so that they can carry out their ex-PM duties. Although you have to ask what the hell are they claiming for to rattle up those sums of money - Dinner at the Savoy for 100 merchant bankers? (Yes, that is Cockney Rhyming slang).
It's very hard to see what Liz Truss can do now. I'm sure she'll leave parliament but she can hardly set herself up as an economics expert in the City. Maybe she'll go to the US and hold forth about batshit libertarianism.
I wonder who's paying for his current holiday in The Carribbean[emoji848]
How long has he been on holiday? Has he been in the country since his departure from PM?
If so, who’s got the steady hand on the tiller for the good people of Uxbridge and Ruislip? If of course anyone ever had 🤷‍♂️
From the BBC website ( ):-

Essentially it's just expenses accrued so that they can carry out their ex-PM duties. Although you have to ask what the hell are they claiming for to rattle up those sums of money - Dinner at the Savoy for 100 merchant bankers? (Yes, that is Cockney Rhyming slang).

Very easy to fiddle, every meal out is “in the line of duty “, every holiday the same, then you need the clothes etc for all those “official engagements”, sure it’s all claimable.

If they don’t want to do the stuff they are asked to as former PMs just don’t do it, no gun to the head of Teresa May to turn up somewhere because she is already a barely memorable ex PM.
How long has he been on holiday? Has he been in the country since his departure from PM?
If so, who’s got the steady hand on the tiller for the good people of Uxbridge and Ruislip? If of course anyone ever had 🤷‍♂️
2 weeks in Greece, a week in Slovenia, and 2 weeks in the Carribean.
I’m sure there wasn’t any conflict of interest whatsoever
same co-founder of Carphone Warehouse who had to resign from positions there and other companies he was a director of for using his shares as collateral against personal loans without informing the authorities (against FSA and EU rules), but has since returned with a lot of high profile appointments, including to the London 2012 organising committee, and a number of senior arts roles - all back by BoJo and Cameron in return for donations and "gifts"
Mind you it’s not like a conservative pm has not done it before, Cameron and Osbourne threw the toys out of the pram after brexit vote in 2016 went against them (a vote with only two options so it’s a bit worrying that a former chancellor couldn’t have thought that a toss of coin odds could go against him) and apparently just fucked off out of the country and were uncontactable, they were the top politicians at the time so no one was governing the country.
What does she need staff for the rest of her life for? Can’t she answer her own e mails? Everyone else does alright without a private secretary.
Apparently according to the guests who sit every Friday on GMB that’s what they said because she is a former albeit a short serving one prime minister
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