International News Malc in lockdown


Staff member
5 Dec 2017
As feared I am in lockdown. Along with the missus and the rest of the Netherlands. The whole country is in lockdown until 19th January.
Not going to affect us too much, our Christmas plans with max 4 people can go ahead. But we will miss playing tennis which we both play at least twice a week.
The only problem is that I was going to the hairdresser this week but they are closed too. So back to being a hippie for me.
How are you folks living in tier 3 getting on?
Keep well Malc. Here in Malaysia we still have huge numbers compared to what we had before.

They all seem to be coming from Prisons, construction sites, dormitories and other places of congregation.

But they did relax the rules as simply couldnt afford the impact anymore and are trying a targeted approach.

But with the new arrival and Covid, means we won't be seeing my brother for Japan over Christmas and will have to wait till Chinese New Year.
As feared I am in lockdown. Along with the missus and the rest of the Netherlands. The whole country is in lockdown until 19th January.
Not going to affect us too much, our Christmas plans with max 4 people can go ahead. But we will miss playing tennis which we both play at least twice a week.
The only problem is that I was going to the hairdresser this week but they are closed too. So back to being a hippie for me.
How are you folks living in tier 3 getting on?

About 170+ days in to Tier 3 or a similar format. The pubs & hospitality opened for about 2 weeks in a restricted manner but then shut again.
Getting very used to doing what needs to be done and then shutting the door.
I found a set of hair clippers in the garage & they work and my barber skills are improving!
I live about a mile from the new Tier 3 boundary - fortunately there are enough dog walkers and ladies who lunch in Chelsea Tractors to patrol the borders and stop the unclean getting through to the Tapas restaurant
No Tier-3 for me! Instead I'll be flying back to the US from Brasil on Jan 1 to 2 (the journey takes 5 flights rather than the normal 3, and a little over 24 hours), which is a bit like jumping out of the frying pan and into.....but maybe, after quarantining, I'll be in line for a fairly early vaccine! 70+ and heart issues last year have got to be worth something, wouldn't you think?
No Tier-3 for me! Instead I'll be flying back to the US from Brasil on Jan 1 to 2 (the journey takes 5 flights rather than the normal 3, and a little over 24 hours), which is a bit like jumping out of the frying pan and into.....but maybe, after quarantining, I'll be in line for a fairly early vaccine! 70+ and heart issues last year have got to be worth something, wouldn't you think?
CAreful, Trump still has a month to declare that only Republicans that voted in person on the day and do not possess a mask qualify for the vaccine
Stay save Malc, what’s the general reaction to it in Netherlands?
There is no conspiracy theory , just a well documented lack of biscuits
Stay save Malc, what’s the general reaction to it in Netherlands?
Mostly accepted. Things were getting bad very quickly in the second wave of infections. There are always moaners but not many.
Stay safe Malc. There aren't many things you can't get direct to your door these days!

I'm pretty much wishing we would be sensible and follow the Netherlands lead here TBH. Most people I know are happy to stay safe and isolate over xmas in the hope it will make the New Year more bearable.

Some are practically praying for it in an attempt to avoid family over xmas - lol!
In the garage? Are you sure it isn't a hedge trimmer? :)

During Summer I "tidied the garage".
I moved a box of "stuff that`ll come in handy one day" and I was right!
There they were! Full set of blade things and the comb. :)
Mrs ZtH has been cutting my hair for years with a hedge trimmer (well a proper hair cutter really) - I have no idea why my nickname is 'Tufty'.

Saved a fortune at the expense of fashion - number 4 all over!
Mrs ZtH has been cutting my hair for years with a hedge trimmer (well a proper hair cutter really) - I have no idea why my nickname is 'Tufty'.

Saved a fortune at the expense of fashion - number 4 all over!

Number 4! That’s cheating.
Number 1 = bald
Number 2 = skinhead
Number 3 = suedehead
Number 4 = fine upstanding member of the community

Number 1 = bald
Number 2 = skinhead
Number 3 = suedehead
Number 4 = fine upstanding member of the community


OK, well I’m a home trimmer too (for the last 30 years). All that time and I never realised I was a suede/skinhead! Number 3 on the top and number 2 around the ears. You live and learn!
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