National News Rishi Sunak

If a company is being used outside of the NHS sc then there are much wider implications too. For example fake goods, goods built to a poor standard, illegally sourced products, even down to things like spare parts purchased invalidating warranties etc. it even gets to a point that foreign states or agents wanting to cause mischief within the UK could see this as an open door to do so.
The risk involved in not having a validated supply chain is massive.
Or likely in this case a "rolls royce" level item that offers better outcomes for patients (on which consultants are measured) vs a cheaper product with less good outcomes. Doesn't mean it is right, but not surprising in this non-joined up system.
Based on what are you saying 'the electorate haven't warmed to Starmer'? Are you repeating what you've picked up via the media?

I've found people either don't like him because he's Labour (and they are Tory or Lib) or they say he lacks charisma. I will then challenge the latter group and say 'you mean he's a serious politician?' and they say yes.
Im not sure what a "serious politician" means but if its someone who announces something one day then retracts it later that week or criticises the government over something and when asked if he would do something differently then says he wont then yes he is a "serious politician". He will win the election but I dont think it will be by the landslide many believe, the tories are a bloody mess but I dont see the tidal wave of support that was behind Blair returning for Starmer. A win by being the least worst option is hardly inspiring but hopefully he can improve things.
Or likely in this case a "rolls royce" level item that offers better outcomes for patients (on which consultants are measured) vs a cheaper product with less good outcomes. Doesn't mean it is right, but not surprising in this non-joined up system.
I work for a company that sells "rolls royce" type implants, I believe we cant manufacture enough because of a shortage of raw materials. Ive never seen this mentioned as a reason for long waiting lists but im sure it must be a contributing factor.
Spending gazillions on Defence is all well and good, but who is going to protect citizens from the State? Post Office managers, blood infections, on it goes. Better regulation and inspection is not favoured by rampant capitalism so whichever party governs proves reluctant to act. Oh, by the way, major congratulations to Des and the squad!
Spending gazillions on Defence is all well and good, but who is going to protect citizens from the State? Post Office managers, blood infections, on it goes. Better regulation and inspection is not favoured by rampant capitalism so whichever party governs proves reluctant to act. Oh, by the way, major congratulations to Des and the squad!
Moral of the story - never trust the state!
4th July confirmed.

Is Rishi calling the bluffs of the Conservative voters who have said they will not vote for them in the next election.
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