National News Vaccine - have you had yours?

Have you had your vaccine?

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Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
So 3rd vaccine centre opened today at the factory and they are jabbing staff at a rate of knots, I`ll probably get the call in a week or so.
As such I had to be unblinded from the trial I`m on (vaccine or placebo) and turns out I had the Janssen vaccine.
The trial for the Janssen vaccine is currently only delivering one dose to test the efficacy.
According to the Primary Investigator of the trial I could "pick & mix" and have my second jab in mid February as the trial would continue to monitor my safety.

So anyone else on the long road to freedom?
Yep. Pfizer 10 days ago. Local GP hub already down to age 77 at that time. Would have preferred the Oxford one as the Pfizer one is so delicate in delivery.

All good I hope? I had the "punched in the arm" bit for a few hours, same as after the Flu jab.
All good I hope? I had the "punched in the arm" bit for a few hours, same as after the Flu jab.

Same here. Coincidentally, I have today received an invitation to take part in an NHS antibody test which should be interesting particularly as I had the virus itself quite badly in October.
So 3rd vaccine centre opened today at the factory and they are jabbing staff at a rate of knots, I`ll probably get the call in a week or so.
As such I had to be unblinded from the trial I`m on (vaccine or placebo) and turns out I had the Janssen vaccine.
The trial for the Janssen vaccine is currently only delivering one dose to test the efficacy.
According to the Primary Investigator of the trial I could "pick & mix" and have my second jab in mid February as the trial would continue to monitor my safety.

So anyone else on the long road to freedom?
Do you know if your trial vaccine is already giving you protection against COVID-19?
Do you know if your trial vaccine is already giving you protection against COVID-19?

According to unpublished, interim results it`s hitting around 70%+ efficacy but the trial is large and there is a lot more info to come.
It`s based on their Ebola vaccine which is 95%+ effective so the odds are fairly high even on one dose.
I`ll remain guided by the trials team as to what happens next.
Botley look like they are through (or nearly through) the over 80s. As they have to go to Kennington for the jab a group of volunteer drivers has been set so those without transport don't need to catch four buses.

I volunteered. Not because I'm altruistic or community spirited but because I'm desperate to get down the road to some sort of normality 😉😷
After my flatbound , at risk, 86 year old dad in kidlington was offered a vaccination in islip two saturdays ago....his gp surgery- who send a district nurse to visit him 4 times a week!- finally realised he was indeed housebound , though initially explaining he was housebound and convincing the' i know best 'receptionist ,took a few calls!, a gp visited and vaccinated him with his first dose on friday evening
Botley look like they are through (or nearly through) the over 80s. As they have to go to Kennington for the jab a group of volunteer drivers has been set so those without transport don't need to catch four buses.

I volunteered. Not because I'm altruistic or community spirited but because I'm desperate to get down the road to some sort of normality 😉😷

Well done. (y)
After my flatbound , at risk, 86 year old dad in kidlington was offered a vaccination in islip two saturdays ago....his gp surgery- who send a district nurse to visit him 4 times a week!- finally realised he was indeed housebound , though initially explaining he was housebound and convincing the' i know best 'receptionist ,took a few calls!, a gp visited and vaccinated him with his first dose on friday evening

A yes, GP receptionist..... they shall not pass!
So 3rd vaccine centre opened today at the factory and they are jabbing staff at a rate of knots, I`ll probably get the call in a week or so.
As such I had to be unblinded from the trial I`m on (vaccine or placebo) and turns out I had the Janssen vaccine.
The trial for the Janssen vaccine is currently only delivering one dose to test the efficacy.
According to the Primary Investigator of the trial I could "pick & mix" and have my second jab in mid February as the trial would continue to monitor my safety.

So anyone else on the long road to freedom?
What is the internal view on when the second jab should be done?
I get the theory behind racing out the first to as many as possible as quickly as possible, but is there confidence on the ground about the twelve week gap or should it be halved as some senior folk are suggesting?
What is the internal view on when the second jab should be done?
I get the theory behind racing out the first to as many as possible as quickly as possible, but is there confidence on the ground about the twelve week gap or should it be halved as some senior folk are suggesting?
Depends on the vaccine. Astrazenica (Oxford) is good for the 12 weeks, Pfizer apparently less so.
Over 80's, over 70's with health problems and healthcare workers all done in our neck of the woods, started on the healthy over 70's last week.

Still a way to go before I get the call, but I'd happily allow teachers, doctors & emergency service workers to jump the queue and go before me. I've stayed at home for the best part of a year - I think I can manage another month or two on top if that's what is needed. I have been invited for a 'flu jab however......
What is the internal view on when the second jab should be done?
I get the theory behind racing out the first to as many as possible as quickly as possible, but is there confidence on the ground about the twelve week gap or should it be halved as some senior folk are suggesting?

Most of our staff have had the Oxford-AZ which is less time pressured it seems.
Those who have had the Pfizer will gain more having the second jab sooner.
Us guinea pigs on the Janssen trial might get a second Janssen dose or can have "any other" according to the PI. (Primary Investigator).

So the call for halving the 12 weeks is balanced against giving more people some protection...... tricky one!
Over 80's, over 70's with health problems and healthcare workers all done in our neck of the woods, started on the healthy over 70's last week.

Still a way to go before I get the call, but I'd happily allow teachers, doctors & emergency service workers to jump the queue and go before me. I've stayed at home for the best part of a year - I think I can manage another month or two on top if that's what is needed. I have been invited for a 'flu jab however......

You need at least a fortnight (could be a month...haven`t checked) between a flu jab and a Covid jab.
Staggering numbers, this is a fantastic effort.

I am though, concerned that there seems to be some funny business going on and its "who you know" rather than following the order (i accept theres exceptions but im hearing too frequently) - my father in law, 70 odd, multiple health issues- not a sausage. My partner, frontline care home carer- likewise. My friend who is an IT manager for the NHS working from home (age 43) first dose last week. Another friend, 45, works in procurement for an NHS supplier- roll up your sleeve.
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